alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence

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This matter is about abuse and of alcohol dependence in the adults. For information on problems of alcohol in the years of adolescence or the children, see the drug-addiction of the matter and alcohol adolescence. For information on drug-addiction in the adults, see the drug-addiction and the dependence of matter.

Which is alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence?

Means of alcohol abuse having unhealthy or dangerous drinkable practices, such as drinking daily or drinking too at the same time. The alcohol abuse can harm your reports/ratios, to make you miss work, and to lead to the legal problems such as the drive while drunk (drunk). When you maltreat alcohol, you continue to drink though you know that your drinking poses problems.

If you continue to maltreat alcohol, it can lead to the alcohol dependence. The alcohol dependence is also called alcoholism. You physically or mentally are devoted to alcohol. You have a strong need, or to beseech, for drinking. You feel as you must drink just to pass.

You could depend on alcohol if you have three or more of the following problems in year:

  • You cannot stop to drink or to order how much you drink.
  • You must drink more to obtain the same effect.
  • You have symptoms of withdrawal when you cease drinking. Those include the patient of feeling to your stomach, perspiration, shakiness, and concern.
  • You spend much of time the drinking and the recovery of drinking, or you gave up other activities thus you can drink.
  • You tried to stop to drink or to plaster the quantity which you drink but asylum 't which been able with.
  • You continue to drink though it harms your reports/ratios and causes you to develop physical problems.

Alcoholism is a disease in the long run (chronic). He 's not a weakness or a lack of will. As much of other diseases, it has a course which can be envisaged, knew symptoms, and is influenced by your genes and your situation of the life.

How much to drink costs too much?

Alcohol belongs to the lives of many people and can have a place in cultural traditions and of family. It can sometimes be difficult to know when you start to drink too much.

You are in danger of drinking too much and should speak with your doctor if you are: 1

  • A woman who has more than 3 drinks at the same time or more than 7 drinks per week. A standard drink Clickis 1 beer can, of 1 glass of wine, or 1 mixed drink.
  • A man who has more than 4 drinks at the same time or more than 14 drinks per week.

If you think could have a drinkable problem, take a play runs to check your symptoms:

Interactive tool: Do you have a drinkable problem?  Click

Which are some signs of abuse or alcohol dependence?

Certain behaviors can mean that you 'about having troubles with alcohol. Those include:

  • Drinking the morning, being often drunk for long periods, or only drinking.
  • Change what you drink, as the change of beer with wine because you think it will help you to drink less or to keep you obtaining drunk.
  • To feel guilty after drinking.
  • Making excuses so that your things drinkable or making hide your drinking, such as the alcohol of purchase to various stores.
  • Not remembering what you did while you drink (power failures).
  • To worry this you gained 't obtain enough alcohol for one evening or a weekend.

How alcohol problems are diagnosed?

Alcohol problems can be diagnosed with a current visit of doctor or when you see your doctor for another problem. If a associate or a friend thinks you have an alcohol problem, it or it can invite you to see your doctor.

Your doctor will put questions about your symptoms and health of past, and him or it will make a physical examination and sometimes an evaluation of mental health. The evaluation of mental health checks to see whether you can have an health issue mental, such as the depression.

Your doctor can put questions or also carry out tests to seek health issues related to alcohol, such as the cirrhosis.

How are they treated?

The treatment depends on the way in which bad your alcohol problem is. Some people can cross again on a moderate level of drinking with the assistance of an adviser. People who are devoted to alcohol can need medical care and can have to remain at a hospital or a processing center.

Your doctor can decide detoxication of the need to you, or the detox, before you begin the treatment. Detox rinses alcohol in your body. You need detox when you are physically devoted to alcohol. When you pass by the detox, you can need medicine to help with symptoms of withdrawal.

After detox, you concentrate on remaining without alcohol, or assagissez. The majority of the people receive a certain type of therapy, such as the consultation of group. You can also need medicine to help you to remain sober.

When you are sober, you the 'VE taken the first measurement towards the re-establishment. To gain the full re-establishment, you must take measures to improve of other sectors of your life, such as the study to deal with work and the family. This facilitates it to remain sober.

You will need probably for support to remain sober and in the re-establishment. This can include groups of consultation and support like alcoholics anonymouses. The re-establishment is a long-term process, not something which you can carry out in a few weeks.

Doesn of treatment 'hearth of T on only the use of alcohol. She addresses other parts of your life, like your reports/ratios, work, problems medical, and alive situation. Support of treatment and re-establishment while bringing to the positive modifications thus you to you can live without alcohol.

What can you make if you or a different person has a problem with alcohol?

If you feel to have an alcohol problem, obtain the assistance. Even if you are successful in other sectors of your life, return visit to a doctor or go to a group of smartness. The more you obtain the assistance first, the more it will be of rough-casting or to stop easy.

The help of somebody with an alcohol problem is hard. If you 'about cover for the person, you must stop. For example, put 't make excuses for the person when him or it misses work.

You can be able to help while speaking with the person about what its drinking does with you and with others. Speak with the person in private, when the person does not employ drugs or alcohol and when you are both calm. If the person agrees to obtain the assistance, claim an appointment immediately.

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