ALCohoL Effect on the brain

On principle after drinking, alcohol will seep from the small intestine into the blood. Alcohol continues to be taken to heart the beralkohol then mengepam blood to the entire body of yesteryear. From here he continued to percolate in the brain and so on to the nerve. The brain is one of the important organs of the human otaklah because the control and treatment of all movement and someone possessed with the foreign material in it is to affect the movement and behavior peminumnya.

Here, alcohol causes suppression areas that usually precede maruah and self-discipline so that the first drinker feel less bashfulness, bercelaru mind, and also quite pergerakannya not terkawal.

Drunkard also less capacity in terms of learning, forming the idea of spontaneous, concentrate minds, and make a careful consideration. The more the amount of alcohol drunk the strong oppressed the brain that may cause sedarkan not death itself, and so on.

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