AlKoHol Effect on the fetus

alcohol effect
Alcohol drinker chronicles that are pregnant can cause abortion discrete disability such as lack of body weight, saiz head is too small proportionate body, less penyelarasan muscles, the face of the flat, weak joints, and joints.

Apart from the effects above, the alcohol also act with various systems and organs. For example, the effect of the system causes the body circulation of blood flowed more to the skin. This causes the skin to become bibber reddish and perpeluhan increased. Pengepaman heart also increases as reasonable and strong individuals who are doing senaman. Penghidap to heart disease, they have attacked the possibility of disease.

Drinker of alcohol are also more likely to be found to remove the many small water because ethanol can merencat hormone storm urine.

Drinker of alcohol may also experience anemia, hipoglisemia (lack of sugar in the blood), and vitamin desolation.

For smokers who drink alcohol may increase the risk 15 times as much as kanser chiefly in the mouth and pharynx.

Other than to impress upon kesihatan it can also cause various social problems. Problems of alcohol addiction may merosakkan relationship of friendship, loss of job, debt, savings and family spent, the problems of households, persecution, penderaan, moral collapse, and so forth.

Avoid it by the drink from the clear deterioration is because the alcohol much good.

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