CauSes Of OsteopOrosiS

Osteoporosis postmenopausal occur because of lack of estrogen (the main female hormone), which helps set the carriage to calcium in the bones in women. Symptoms usually arise in women aged between 51-75 years, but could start to appear faster or slower. Not all women have the same risk of suffering from osteoporosis for postmenopausal, white women and eastern regions suffering from the disease more easily than black women.
Osteoporosis senilis is likely a result of calcium deficiency related to the imbalance between age and speed of bone destruction and formation of new bone. Senilis means that this situation only occurs in old age. This disease usually occurs at the age of 70 years and over 2 times more likely to attack women. Women often suffer osteoporosis senilis and postmenopausal.

Less than 5% people with osteoporosiz also have secondary osteoporoziz, caused by other medical condition or by drug-obatan.Penyakit this may be caused by chronic kidney failure and hormonal aberration (especially tiroid, paratiroid and adrenal) and drugs (eg kortikosteroid, barbiturat, anti-convulsive and excessive hormones tiroid). Excessive use of alcohol and smoking can aggravate this situation.

OzteoporoZiz juvenil idiopatik is a type of ozteoporosis is the cause is not known. This occurs in children and young adults who have a degree and a normal hormone function, vitamin content is normal and does not have a clear cause of rapuhnya bones.

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