Disease Of osTeoPorosis

Disease osteoporosis is reduced bone density is progressive, so that the bones become fragile and easily broken. Bone consisting of minerals such as calcium and phosphate, so that the bones become hard and dense. If the body is not able to manage the mineral content in bones, the bones become less dense and more fragile, so there osteoporosis.

Approximately 80% percent of osteoporosis patients are women, including young women who have experienced termination menstruasi cycle (amenorrhea). The loss of estrogen hormone after menopause increase the risk of osteoporosis affected.

Disease osteoporosis is often referred to as porous bone disease appeared to attack this young woman since. Could not be denied on the disease osteoporosis is influenced by female hormone estrogen. However, as new symptoms appear after age 50 years, the disease osteoporosis are not easily detected early.

Although the disease osteoporosis attack more women, men still have affected the risk of disease osteoporosis. Same as in women, osteoporosis in men, the disease also affected estrogen. The difference, men do not experience menopause, osteoporosis, so come more slowly.

Number of old age in Australia is estimated will increase 414 percent in the period 1990-2025, while the female menopause that 2000 will be 15.5 million increase to 24 million by 2015. Imagine how big the population of which can be threatened by the disease osteoporosis.

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