I want tO stop smoking, HoW is It.....?????

Moment we welcome new year 2009. And usually you and I have had some future plans in life and work or the other. One of my future plan is to stop smoking, diligent study and may aja kawin Ehh marriage mean (I can subsist Dolo). For some people like me who is smoking is considered a loyal friend and even more faithful to his wife (do dah for marriage) or boyfriend (make that delighted subsistence), smoking is not separated from life sy. Is it so how can I stop smoking? Just stop live aja! I segampang the Broo .. Bersemedi After approximately 2 days in the mountains near kos2an, finally I get a whisper any tips or how to stop smoking is effective .. What and how do I get so bersemedi and tips on how to stop smoking is effective? JAhh .. I even focus to semedinya? sorry cuman the intermezzo! Ok langsung aja our tips to quit smoking fast and cheap free (??). I direct? Ga Ngalor ngidul first? (preferably directly from aja deh ga I have read the article). Ok cuyy ... Budi towel Mode On ..

Simple tips and ways to stop smoking is VeRy effective:

1. Intention
Intention is the word most popular keywords if you want to stop doing the negative behavior is. Playboy so as to stop, stop lie, stop ngeblog (upss), Stop hoping (I love problem) .. de el el A strong intention to quit smoking is a legal obligation. Kalo ga you have a strong Intention to quit smoking, then these tips that I will not have use for you. But please do not stop reading this there is still more soalnya .. hehehe ..

2. Business
How to stop smoking this is the second business, and business. A strong desire and effort is hard to blend the right to stop smoking is simple. Business such as what I mean? Lhaaa tips that have a period you get more? ouh yes yes .. Reduce the number of cigarettes you hisap every day by reducing the time you smoke .. For example, in the first day do not smoke in the morning until 9, the second day do not smoke until 11, the third day do not smoke up to 1 hour lunch, and so on. Also avoid drinking coffee, tea aja mending replaced or Vodka mean eh susu (milk yng Left Or Right?).

3. Find activities that can make you forget the desire to smoke,
such as chewing gum, if you desire more smoke (Wew but also tasty ngerokok while I eat candy) Huzzzz! Perbanyak sports, but sports jgn origin, kan lucu kalo ga chess you choose, how do all those nikmatnya Games chess while smoking and drinking coffee .. mmmpphhh maknyusss, so ga desire to stop smoking .. Upzzzz keceplosan! Perbanyaklah read about the dangers of cigarettes, Kasarnya menakut-nakuti themselves. Imagine what you died because of cigarettes .. Kan ga keren tuh! Ntar ngmong gni neighbors, the children Pak si Joni XXX tuh die because of cigarettes? hahaha get off because of Diarrhea! Dah tau slogan-Men kan men in 2009? Matipun must be cool, at least make dah shirt plus glasses are Black, how the hands should form the letter V pisss ...

4. Find support from your friends to stop smoking.
However support from the environment is very big effect on our business. Man On The Right Place Wrong which means that the right person you should be a place on the left. Sharinglah with friends who have stopped smoking aja he may have these tips make eh mean these tips to stop smoking that laen. hehehhe ...

5. And probably the last you need to do is pray ..

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